Lashing Services

Lashing Services

Home Page Our Services Lashing Services

We serve with our fully experienced staff in fixing processes for all your loads. In this context, we examine your loads on site and use the most appropriate fastening methods with the right elements. We serve you in every step from packaging to fixing as Edeşsoy Maritime and Project Transportation.


We produce specific strategies to the needs of our customers with our understanding of right service, right pricing. And we provide quality service with our expert staff.


We always give priority to protecting the rights and interests of our customers as Edeşsoy Maritime and Project Transportation.


We provide expert services in the fields of International Project Transportation, Freight Contracts, Chartering and Freight Forwarding with the help of our experience over 20 years.

Solution Orientation

We work as your global logistics partner by producing suitable and reliable solutions for all your projects.

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